7 Highly Effective Principles for Every Successful Business©


Business Principle #1: Go to the Top of Your Field With Straight F’s; Faith, Family, Friends, Fitness and Fun—Dave Brown. There is order in every successful business. Keep first things first and the main thing the main thing. Maintaining order opens the pathway to all levels of success.


Business Principle #2: You have not because you ask not.  Honor the power of asking. Ask for prosperity, growth, wisdom and expansion in your marketplace. Ask and it shall be given unto you.


Business Principle #3: If you have to think about it twice don’t do it once. Place value on inner warnings and caution signs during the process of business deals. They are there to protect, not reject.


Business Principle #4: Refuse to fear. Refuse to worry. Refuse to be discouraged. These side affects are deadly to business. When they appear immediately swallow the anecdote: faith, confidence and courage.


Business Principle #5: Grow professionally and personally and increase in knowledge and in wisdom. Learn all that you can. Teach what you know. Respect the benefits of ‘application’. The door to learning and understanding must never shut.


Business Principle #6: Bad agreements corrupt good business. Avoid entering into agreements for money sake alone. Not all agreements are good agreements. Investigate the character and test the motives of the person offering the opportunity. The health of your business may depend on it.


Business Principle #7: Whatever you do, do it all unto the Glory of God. In my humble belief, all good things come from above. Acknowledging the giver of good things is the one principle that will guarantee the success of your business.