2015 Won’t Last Forever…the spirit of The Entrepreneur!

Ready. Get set. GO!

Howz your 2015 going so far? Have you started those New Year Resolutions YET?

Well if by chance you haven’t, here’s your REMINDER…..Dreams without GOALS or Goals with ACTION are just wishes.

That’s the motivation behind this issue. It’s YOUR time. Go for it. 
Has your MIND been thinking about YOUR goals but you don’t seem to be able to go from thought to execution? Perhaps you should think about the execution rather than the goal. “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve (orexecute).Thoughts are things! And powerful things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose, and burning desire, can be translated into riches.” ~ Napoleon Hill.

You might be surprised at how close you are…how good you are…at having that business, that bakery service, or turning your job experience into that book or e-book online at Amazon.com. Really? Yes, REALLY! Others are making it happen. Why not YOU?

To quote another favorite motivator, Zig Ziglar, “You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.” Now don’t let the PP & E plan scare you. It doesn’t have to. Successful people become successful step-by-step. Next year you’ll be a year older; why not be a year older using one of YOUR natural gifts to create a financial future for yourself, your family, your children. I did. That’s why I know YOU can.

Many of you reading this newsletter have had the firm, funny and motivating opportunity of meeting me in one of the Professional Effective Supervised Visitation trainings (and it’s been a delight), but for others, this may be your FIRST time experiencing mespeaking of your entrepreneurial spirit. See, I believe, we don’t just simply wake up one morning and find ourselves successful. Wouldn’t THAT be awesome? No, actually, successful people wake up every day, living every moment, moving towards their desire to BE MORE, DO MORE, and GIVE MORE. But that takes WORK. Success only comes before work in the dictionary.

Some years ago, over 5 yrs to be exact, I walked into my corporate sales training office where I was the #1 sales representative only to be laid-off that same day. Yikes, right? Oooh yeah. I had worked for the training company nearly 9 years and in one hour, it was over. After a few deep breaths and, yes, prayer, I knew I had a choice to make. For me it was, go to work, but for ME this time ’round. So I got started. I took what Ialready knew how to do (sales and training) and made it a business. Now there were plenty of ‘steps’ along the way, a lot of them, but I believed as long as I follow the ‘model’ it would HAVE to work out. I found someone I could imitate (the company that laid me off….LOL) and followed their steps. Do you have anybody you can imitate who IS successful (it could be a big name like Mrs. Fields Cookies, or Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg or….even a neighbor). The point is, find a model and follow it.

Listen, there is NO magic potion, vitamin supplement, or free download… only believing YOU CAN. Believing that you can turn your knowledge, natural gift, or talent into a source of income. It’s POSSIBLE. I’ve met and talked with a lot of you, and I have heard your rich backgrounds (teachers, therapists, health care, foster parent, city employee 10+ years, law enforcement, grad student, and if you’re unemployed, you should be first in line for this). Today is a DIFFERENT day for entrepreneurs. The Internet made this POSSIBLE. Thousandnaire’s (to coin a new phrase) are being birthed every day because people put their ideas, knowledge and experience on the Internet as a service or a product. It is POSSIBLE. I believe it.Do you?

Establish a NEW you

It’s easy to buy a new dress or a new suit so the outside looks successful. Who hasn’t tried that? But therein lies the trouble: While it’s easy to ‘look’ successful outwardly, it’s not so easy to ‘be’ successful inwardly. The secret could mean establishing a NEW you. And then stick to it.

Here are 5 Life Principles to assist in establishing the NEW you:

1. “Stop to Start.” Stop procrastinating and START where you are.  Take control. Move forward, one step at a time. Daily. Stop talking about “some day when” and Start talking as though you ARE already doing ‘it’. No guts, no glory. If you have the guts, eventually you will get the glory.

2. “Have More Faith Than Feeling.” Nobody accomplishes their goals because they ‘feel’ like it. People don’t just wake up and say to themselves, I ‘feel’ like being an entrepreneur today and voila, it happened. If only feelings were required a person could be successful overnight. It’s a strong belief that although you don’t see the results, yet, you have faith that the results are on the way (like small seeds planted last year for this year’s harvest). With the attitude that it’s already happening even though you don’t see all the details, sets you apart from those who first have to ‘see’ to believe.

3. “Good agreements make good partners.” Enter agreements not for money sake but because the agreement is the right fit for you. Don’t compromise values or principles. They’re the main ingredient in success.

4. “Opportunities Lie Within Every Obstacle.” It can be tough to dig deep and find the positive, especially when confronted by challenges. But if you choose the positive, you will find the opportunity and nuggets of wisdom in every obstacle that presents itself in your life. –Jen Groover

 5. “The quality of being there is the process of getting there.” This is where every step comes in. It’s not the quality that matters but the PROCESS. Processmakes quality. In that order. In this New Year, if you will allow yourself to walk through the process of going after what you want and truly commit, plan, prepare and execute, I promise you, you will have results. Successful results. The NEW you will become established. Next time this year, you won’t simply be a year older but older and successful. It’s up to you. Believe you already have what it takes, because You do!

Here’s to a revenue generating 2015!

Tamara L. Daniels

P.S. Upcoming 2015 Professional Visitation
Monitor Trainings 

March 19th-21st
April 23rd-25th
May 14th-16th