Procedures for Mandated Reporting of Any Allegation of Abuse or Neglect of a Minor
LISTEN: First and foremost, listen compassionately, validate the courage of the person making the report, and apologize for any pain the reporting person is feeling.
GET BASICS: Name(s), address(es), phone numbers (s) of the victim, the alleged perpetrator, the person making the Report and witnesses (if available). Refer to the “Suspected Child Abuse Report” form. Do not investigate the incident.
Los Angeles County Child Abuse Hot Line: 800-500-4000
Santa Barbara County Child Abuse Hot Line: 800-367-0166
Ventura County Child Abuse Hot Line: 800-754-7600
Victims Assistance Ministry Office: 213-637-7650
OR contact the local police station.
For Hearing Impaired: TDD 800-272-6699
When you call in the Report ask for the name and phone number of the person taking the Report, any case number and the address for mailing the written Report.
CONSIDER: Asking the person or persons making the allegations to join you when you call in the Report. If the reporting person is an adult, encourage him or her to also report the allegation directly.
DOCUMENT: After making the Report by telephone, complete wither a paper copy of the “Suspected Child Abuse Report” or file it electronically at
If you use the paper copy, mail it to the address you receive fro the person you called to make the Report. This must be done within 36 hours of your call. If the Hot Line or Police declines to take the Report over the phone, ask for the name and badge number of the person to whom you are speaking. Write this information, along with the note “declined to take the Report” and the date and time of the call, on the Report form. Keep a copy for your records and FAX a copy of the Report to the appropriate fax number.
OUTREACH: Call the Child Abuse Hotline in your area for information on counseling and other outreach to the victims(s) and the reporting person(s).
CONCLUDE: Offer reassurance, hope and continued support.
CHILD ABUSE FORM: A copy of Form SS 8572 (revised 12/02)— Suspected Child Abuse Report” is available at
DOCUMENT: Mandate reporting is required where the victim is a current minor. If the victim is not a current minor, obtain all the information outlined above and contact local law enforcement to make a non-mandated report and to arrange for outreach.
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