Training for Excellence
This is a Certificate of Completion program only. California does NOT ‘certify’ or ‘license’ Monitors. It is false to state you are ‘certified or licensed’ as a Monitor. You are deemed a PROFESSIONAL Visitation Monitor. You have ‘legal responsibilities and obligations’. You are mandated to comply with FC 32000.5 and Rules of Court 5.20.
The SCV Program complies with Rules of Court 5.20 Standards, Subject matter and hours as REQUIRED for California Visitation Providers.
Growth Motivator Enterprises, Inc. (GME) a professional development company is primarily engaged in offering training and outreach services in the social services and family law industry. Training may be provided directly to individuals through public seminars or in-house training programs as well as programs for Juvenile Halls. The training provided by Growth Motivator Enterprises, Inc. may include the use of industry experts, trainers, presentations, mock exercises, real-world case scenarios and role play methods. Our passion is service. Our motto is “no excuses, no promises, just results.”— Tamara L. Daniels, Executive Director
Tamara, I don’t know if you knew it or not but, when I registered for your training, I had to borrow the money. I am a single mom and just didn’t have the fee. Well, since taking your class some time ago, I now have 7 people working under me. I no longer do the Monitoring, just the Intakes and I run my office, full-time. THANK YOU SO MUCH for being the vessel you are. You’re a God-send.“
-Alison C.
Effective Supervised Visitation Training© for New and Current Providers. This is a “Certificate of Completion” program.
Are You Ready For A Fulfilling Part-Time Career?
Are you looking to create a part-time career and be of service to children? You might consider becoming a Professional Child Visitation Monitor.
2025 TRAINING RATE $475 (plus $25 materials).
Apr 9th – 11th 2025 (8:30-5:30pm Wednesday & Thursday, Friday 8:00-5:00pm)
- (plus $25 materials) deadline: 4/1/25
May 14th – 16th 2025 (8:30-5:30pm Wednesday & Thursday, Friday 8:00-5:00pm)
- (plus $25 materials) deadline: 5/1/25
July 16th – 18th 2025 (8:30-5:30pm Wednesday & Thursday, Friday 8:00-5:00pm)
- (plus $25 materials) deadline: 07/1/25
Click the REGISTER NOW Button and Complete Form to Reserve Your Seat!
Why Train with US?
The public policy of the state of California is to protect the best interest of children whose parents have a custody or visitation matter in family court. Sometimes, based on issues of protection and safety, a judge will order that a child only have contact with a parent when a neutral third person is present during the visitation. This type of third-person visitation arrangement is often called “supervised visitation.” The trainer has been an active member of NAMA (National Anger Management Association) and CAAMP (California Association of Anger Management Providers) and is an Anger Management Specialist I * Past member of Supervised Visitation Network (SVN) * Trustline Background Cleared * Listed with Orange County Family Court and Los Angeles Superior Court, as a Provider * Bachelor of Science in Psychology * Studied at Pepperdine University, Counseling Psychology * Completed continuing education courses in Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Cultural Sensitivity * Attended California Rules of Court 5.20 training conducted by Administrative Office of The Courts (AOC) in partnership with the California Association of Supervised Visitation Service Providers (CASVSP). In compliance with Family Code 3200.5 and California Rules of Court 5.20.
**Training is LIVE, face-to-face classroom curriculum (online not recommended) *See Bio page for full background.
WIIFM (What’s in It for Me?):
- Certificate of Completion – Total # of hours in attendance (24 required by California)
- New Provider’s Training Manual
- Live Classroom Curriculum (online not recommended)
- Real-World Case Videos for Enhanced Learning
- Role-plays
- New Case Client Forms
- 90 days post-training Support and Guidance
- New Case Referral & Monitor Registry Program (optional)
Payment Options:
3-day Visitation Monitor Training
$400 ~ Expires Dec. 31, 2024 (plus $25 materials)
- Role Play in action
- Lecture
- We did it!
- Quiz time
Click REGISTER to Complete the Form and Reserve Your Seat
Training location:
Integrated Digital Technologies – 138 N. Brand Blvd. 2nd flr. Glendale, CA 91203
Traveling from Out of Town? Contact us for nearby hotel options.
All NEW MONITOR sessions (8) eight hours per day/ 8:30-5:30 pm (Wed/Thur.) 8:30-5:00 pm (Fri). Training includes the following Modules:
- The role of a professional provider
- Family and Juvenile law basics (1 hour)
- Child abuse reporting laws
- Developmental needs of children (3 hours)
- Issues relating to substance abuse, child abuse, sexual abuse, and domestic violence (3 hours)
- Cultural sensitivity: working with families of various backgrounds, customs, and traditions
- Working with the courts, parents, and attorneys
- Conflict of interest
- Legal responsibilities and obligations of a provider
- Record-keeping procedures
- Confidentiality
- Screening, documentation, report writing, and termination of visits (3 hours)
- Visitation role plays
- Marketing; business operations and obtaining clients for long-term success
How many people attend an average training class?
- The number of participants depends on the training needs.
- Training sessions must have a minimum of (5).
Where is the training held?
Integrated Digital Technologies – 138 N. Brand Blvd. Suite 200. Glendale, CA 91203
How do I receive a Certificate of Completion?
Certificates of Completion or Record of Attendance are given to each attendee eligible as follows: All attendees must be present for, and complete, 24 hours of required modules set forth in the 2023 California Standards and Practices 5.20 and Family Code 3200.5 for Professional Supervised Visitation Providers to practice in California.
ALL attendees receive certificates bearing the total # of completed education hours including minimum hours required for [specific topics] relating to AB1165 effective January 2020.
Refund Policy: Registrants may transfer to an upcoming session or forward paid registration to another registrant within a 90-day period. A new registration form must be completed.
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